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Amherst's Record on Low-Income Students

Amherst College's president talks about adding more community college transfers after receiving an award for supporting low-income students.

Fading Affordability

College affordability has declined in 45 states since 2008, with low- and middle-income students in particular feeling the pinch, new study finds.

How Accurate Are Delta's Data?

For researchers, the Delta Cost Project is the premier database for measuring higher education finance. But the way the data are organized can be misleading, a new paper argues.

Cost Share Shift

A new report from the Delta Cost Project reveals how much more heavily institutions rely on tuition dollars since the recession.

Recession-Era Woes Subside

The tuition hikes and high federal borrowing and default rates that hit higher education in the recession's wake continue to stabilize and diminish, according to the College Board.

Student Debt, Rising Again

Annual report finds a 2 percent uptick in undergraduates' student loan burdens, and a 56 percent increase over 10 years.

Obama Steps Up Push for Free

The president formally unveils new advisory board to further push the efforts of America's College Promise plan that would make two years of community college free nationally.

Responding to Free

Tennessee is enrolling far more community college students than had been expected in program that is model for Obama proposal.