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Who's to Blame for Rising Tuition?

A new report suggests that while growing personnel and construction costs are a factor in the rising price of public higher education, a decline in state funding is the real culprit.

Income-Based Repayment Expansion Advances

Carrying out Obama directive to boost income-based repayment, Education Department panel endorses plan that will be available to all direct loan borrowers, regardless of when they incurred the debt.

Grants for Today's Student

A new report contends that state aid programs should better meet the needs of modern students in today's college landscape, which is vastly different from when most such programs were developed.

Debt Collector Suit Fails

Judge dismisses lawsuit stemming from U.S. Department of Education's firing of several debt collectors over allegations they misled struggling borrowers.

Plausible Promises?

"Promise program" scholarships are appealing to cities and counties looking to boost their local educational achievement. But it's too early to say for sure that the programs work.

Cash Monitoring List Unveiled

Education Department releases most of the names of colleges that have had access to federal student aid curtailed over concerns about financial viability, administrative capacity or other issues.

U.S. to Identify Colleges Under Scrutiny

The Education Department plans to release list of colleges whose federal aid is restricted because of concerns they pose risks to students and taxpayers. In recent years most on list have been for-profit colleges.

Little Progress on Incentive Comp

Education Department's inspector general concludes that agency has not sufficiently adapted policies and procedures to enforce 2010 rules restricting pay to recruiters based on enrollment.