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Experimenting With Aid

Education Department moves closer to experimenting with federal aid and accreditation for alternative providers like boot camps and MOOCs, while White House books meeting on expanding space.

A Step Backward for Students

New federal rules on financial aid disbursement are supposed to protect students and save them money. In some ways it will do the opposite, writes Thomas J. Snyder.

A Middle School Start

New report calls for expanded effort to reach out to students and their families with financial aid information -- years before they will apply to college.

$339K in Debt for 2 Daughters

Martin O'Malley introduces his plan for debt-free college by talking about how much he and his wife borrowed for their oldest two children. The total left student aid experts shaking their heads.

The Best Pricing Model: Transparency

Gimmicks like tuition freezes and "resets" aren't the answer to the college pricing problem, W. Kent Barnds argues. What is? Honesty and real cost reductions, for colleges and students.

Gates Backs FAFSA Overhaul

The foundation's first higher education policy proposal aims to simplify the financial aid process for students while satisfying college and state concerns about getting rid of too much information.

A 'Loan Lottery'

A New Jersey lawmaker is proposing a lottery that would clear student loan debt of the winners. But critics say the lottery isn't a viable solution for those hoping to pay off their debt in a reasonable amount of time.

Ratings Without ... Rating

Federal accountability system won't compare colleges or assign scores, as Obama sought, but will instead be a data-rich, consumer-facing tool on access, affordability and performance.