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Back to the Supreme Court

Only months after a ruling on affirmative action, higher ed groups again turn to the justices -- this time urging that Michigan's ban on the consideration of race in admissions be overturned.

Obama's Ratings for Higher Ed

President proposes new system to evaluate colleges -- and plan to offer greater Pell Grants and more favorable loans to those who attend institutions with the best rankings.

The Next Target

Adjuncts have widely been subjected to course load caps ahead of the Affordable Care Act. Could graduate students be next?

ACT Scores Slip

Average ACT scores are the lowest they've been in five years. English and reading scores dropped the most from last year.

Gender, Jobs and G.P.A.

Study links gender gap in high school grade-point average with students' intentions, as early as middle school, to go to college.

Bridging the Gap

College readiness initiative -- focused on leveraging programs and resources to drive college-going for all students -- was particularly successful with African-American and Latino students.

The PLUS Loan Problem

The federal government should revise its loan program for parents and graduate students to better protect borrowers and taxpayers, Justin Draeger writes.

Meritocracy or Bias?

Study finds that when white people are told of the success of Asian applicants, their commitment to basing admissions on grades and test scores drops.