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Secret Agents

Survey finds that just 13 percent of international applicants who used education agents knew whether they earned commissions from colleges.

$6 Can Make a Difference

Study suggests that seemingly small expenses may discourage low-income students from applying to more colleges.

In Plain Sight

New study documents that there are groups of black and Latino males in urban high schools who are poised for college success, and who generally don't know their college options.

The Admissions Essay Is Back

As Bard restores idea of writing your way into college, we offer a look at its essay prompts, and others. Are colleges asking the right questions? Was Kant correct about dishonesty? And how cool is the mantis shrimp?

Affirming Affirmative Action

Obama administration tells colleges they need not change policies in light of recent Supreme Court decision.

Flat SAT Scores

Racial and income gaps remain. ACT gains more market share in college admissions testing.

Giving Agents the OK

Association of admissions officers lifts its ban on the use of commissioned agents in international student recruitment.

Validation Required

As Washington & Lee has its statistics questioned, admissions association responds to incidents of colleges reporting false data to entities that compile rankings.