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In Your Face

Two Boston institutions have launched unusual marketing campaigns in an attempt to draw notice in a crowded market.

LinkedIn to M.B.A. Admissions

Cornell's business school offers new application that lets prospective students submit their LinkedIn profiles.

The Younger International Student

A rapid growth in the number of international students seeking American high school diplomas creates new recruiting opportunities for colleges.

Duncan on Ratings and Debt

In expansive interview about higher ed, the education secretary differentiates about dangers of varying degrees of student debt and suggests colleges might be rated based on whether they improve or not.

Troubles at Embark

A company that helps leading graduate and professional schools handle applications has owed millions and misled its clients about why they're not getting their money, lawsuit alleges.

Discount Escalation

Private college discount rates continue to rise, and some worry about the long-term impact.

U.K. Crackdown on Visa Fraud

The Home Office revokes the right to host foreign students for 3 universities and 57 private colleges and launches a criminal investigation into widespread English language testing fraud at Educational Testing Service centers.

Mentor or Risk Rejection

Some professors applying for NSF grants notice their proposals are increasingly evaluated in part on data-driven evidence of the way they work with students. Not everybody likes the trend.