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Is the GRE Too Influential?

A new analysis argues that the GRE is limiting the number of female, black and Latino graduate students in science and tech fields.

Employability Is Our Job

Wendy Purcell, who leads a British university, writes that it's inevitable and appropriate that governments on both sides of the pond pay more attention to how colleges and universities prepare students for careers.

'Place, Not Race'

Author discusses a new approach to affirmative action in admissions that she says could help the disadvantaged without some of the legal and political issues that challenge current approaches.

Between the Lines

Two Temple U. professors are under fire for allegedly not disclosing in a working paper and in newspaper op-eds that their private prison-friendly research findings were funded in part by the private prison industry.

Funding Boost for NIH

National Institutes of Health would see increase of more than 4 percent next year under a Senate budget measure drafted Tuesday. The maximum Pell award would also grow.

Strategies for Recruiting Students

With the traditional-age college population flattening if not shrinking in many parts of the U.S., colleges and universities are under...

Evolving ACT

New scores will be added and some parts of the test will be tweaked.

Disunited Front

Higher ed leaders have been overwhelmingly skeptical of President Obama's plan to rate colleges. But they don't agree on whether and how the government should hold colleges accountable.