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Texas-Size Math Lab

Austin Community College builds the world's largest learning lab in a former mall, using it for a personalized form of remedial math that is getting good results.

The Wrong Test

A major effort to track student learning in the American education system may be doomed because it does not distinguish between knowledge of subject matter and of computers, writes Eszter Hargittai.

Marketing Lessons From Sweet Briar

Robert M. Moore writes that it's never been more important for colleges to look at what the research says about strategies and enrollment trends.

SAT Thresholds and Student Success

Study reveals minimum SAT requirements that push students toward the two-year sector may hinder their success at earning four-year degrees.

Faculty SOS

Report seeks a broad rethinking of the structure of professors' jobs, with a strong emphasis on academic freedom and equitable treatment, but an openness to radical change.

The Cost of Agents

British universities are paying more in commissions to recruit international students.

Excluding Iranian Students

New policy at UMass barring Iranians from some science and engineering programs raises concerns and questions about universities responsibilities' under U.S. sanctions.

In Texas, Questioning Powers

An investigation of the University of Texas at Austin finds the president likely swayed admissions decisions to aid well-connected applicants. Everybody does it, President Bill Powers said.