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Test Anxiety

Purdue's politician turned president wants a nationally normed measure of what students learn -- and he's tired of waiting. Professors want meaningful assessment but aren't sold on standardized exams.

Flexibility and Graduation

Going to college exclusively full time isn't the best way for adult students who are returning to college to earn an associate degree, new data show.

GED Drop

Fewer people earned a GED last year, following the introduction of a new version of the exam. Should the lower numbers cause concern?

There is No (Tuition-)Free Lunch

The Obama administration’s proposal to make community college free is part of a pattern of elevating sound bites over sound higher ed policy, Arthur M. Hauptman writes.

New Ways to Get In

In first year Goucher applicants may by judged on a short video and Bennington applicants by an application portfolio they design, both colleges report early signs of success.

Measuring Substance

Three public college associations release draft discussion guide for how to measure student success after college.

Redefining Full-Time Adjunct Work

As Republicans take control of Congress, an early priority is to redefine a full-time work under the health care law from 30 to 40 hours -- a change colleges support but adjuncts oppose.

Analyzing Application Essays

Does language use and topic selection predict academic success in college? A new study suggests it does. (Hint to high schoolers: Move beyond personal experiences.)