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Diversity and Medical School Admissions

Share of white students has dropped significantly in last 35 years, but Asian-Americans are alone among minority groups in seeing substantial gains. Black applicants have lowest admit rates.

Expanding Apprenticeships Across More Jobs

New research indicates more job opportunities would be available if apprenticeships were expanded across more fields.

GOP Begins Rewrite of Federal Aid Law

House education committee leaks its ambitious first draft of a reauthorization of the Higher Education Act, with broad changes aimed at both deregulation and more accountability in how federal student aid is distributed and used.

Uncomfortable Men

Texas commissioner of higher education says outnumbered men are uncomfortable on some college campuses. How will the state navigate goals for growing numbers of male graduates in a world where the patriarchy women face is being laid bare?

‘Who Counts as a Black Student’ Is Not a New Debate

Ifeyinwa Onyenekwu and Chrystal A. George Mwangi offer context behind a recent debate at Cornell University.

Ethical College Admissions: Reality Therapy for Applicants

Jim Jump considers the ethics associated with telling high school students their odds of getting in to certain colleges.

Recent News on Admissions

International students and long-term enrollment growth; more law schools will accept GRE; education debt held by older Americans.

Scramble for Dual-Credit Certification

States and institutions are still working out incentives and programs to get dual-credit instructors qualified to meet a change in accreditation standards.