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Scramble for Dual-Credit Certification

States and institutions are still working out incentives and programs to get dual-credit instructors qualified to meet a change in accreditation standards.

Anger Over Canceled ACT Scores

A high school in Tennessee, backed by local politicians, isn’t accepting explanations for why scores on test taken in good faith shouldn’t count.

Computer Science as (Foreign Language) Admissions Requirement

High schools in Georgia see surge in enrollments in computer science, and state leaders are pleased. But are those courses equivalent, as university system admissions requirements now say, to Spanish or French?

Rankings Math Questioned

A Hong Kong university is accused of underreporting enrollment numbers to boost its faculty-student ratio and ranking. The university says it is commissioning an independent audit but emphasizes that there are differences in data definitions.

Partnering for Transfer

Getting 37 institutions to agree on new student transfer pathways isn’t easy, but the Minnesota State system seems to have accomplished it.

Cutting Tuition Is Not a Gimmick

Look at the numbers, writes Robert Massa. A tuition reset can be real.

The Week in Admissions News

Push for new programs at historically black colleges in Maryland; Christian colleges try to diversify; report on helping low-income students; testing choice for law school admissions.

Ethical College Admissions: The Shape of the (Lazy) River

Jim Jump considers reports on steep cuts in tuition rates and big investments in amenities.