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Pointing Fingers Over Test Fraud

NCAA punishes U of Louisiana-Lafayette over egregious case of test fraud -- and the university in turn sues ACT over its role.

Putting Foreign Students First?

Community college in Washington State increasingly relies on international student revenue, but some faculty worry it is moving away from its mission of serving local residents.

Poverty and Merit

The most selective colleges are failing to enroll more low-income students, so the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation is calling for a "poverty preference" in college admissions.

Challenging the Barista Myth

Federal Reserve economists say while recent college graduates struggled during the economic downturn, they did better than most believe.

'Inside Graduate Admissions'

What goes on behind closed doors when professors decide who should get chance to earn a Ph.D.? Author of new book was allowed to watch. She saw elitism, a heavy focus on the GRE and some troubling conversations.

Lost Fees or Lost Students?

Potential master's student at NYU asked for application fee waiver and shared email rejecting request on Twitter. Critics see example of policy that deters low-income applicants.

The Justices' Questions on Affirmative Action

At Supreme Court hearing on case that could alter college admissions, no big surprises but lots of contentious exchanges -- and anger over Scalia's comments.

You're In

A new statewide initiative automatically admits graduating seniors to college in Idaho.