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The Missing Low-Income Students

Study finds notable drop in proportion of recent high school graduates from bottom 20 percent of family incomes who are enrolling in college.

Discount Much?

How high is too high a discount to offer students? Nearly 10 percent of colleges have rates of 60 percent or more. For some it appears to be a sign of distress, yet others see a strategy.

Promise Provides Enrollment Boost

Tennessee Promise drives dramatic increases in freshman enrollments at the state's two-year institutions.

Defending Affirmative Action

Dozens of higher education groups urge Supreme Court to continue to allow colleges to consider race in admissions. Arguments focus on institutional autonomy.

Two Steps to a Saner, Sounder Admissions Process

We must make structural changes across thousands of colleges, Carol Barash argues -- not just rely on the good intentions of a privileged few.

A Parade of Horribles?

Why do admissions professionals engage in certain practices that some people question? W. Kent Barnds provides some answers.

SAT's Racial Impact

Study finds that for applicants to U of California, race and ethnicity now influence scores more than family income and parental education levels. Could findings change debate over affirmative action?

Coalition Backlash

More than 100 college counselors at Jesuit high schools urge group seeking to reform admissions process to rethink its plans and push back scheduled start for new system.