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Value, Price and Profit

A publisher demands the removal of writings by Marx and Engels -- just before May Day. Scott McLemee fans the flames of discontent.

Oppressive Hereditary Power

The push to deny working-class and first-generation students access to the liberal arts is inconsistent with American ideals and will not help these students find jobs either, writes William G. Durden.

Time to Take a Stand

The Common Core can help countless students succeed, and academic leaders should stand up for the project that is facing unfair attacks, write Dan Greenstein and Vicki Phillips.

The Trouble With Mansplaining

Academics should temper their temptation to profess and pronounce, Rachel Toor warns -- it undercuts their influence.

Everyone Should Teach Writing

All faculty members, not just those in writing programs, have a responsibility, writes Ellen Goldberger.

Right to Gender-Neutral Spaces

Graduate student workers in the U. California System say they've agreed on contract language establishing gender-neutral bathrooms and lactation stations as rights.

Before the Fall

1177 B.C. was the kind of year people try to forget. Scott McLemee reports on a book that takes us all the way back.

Community of Scholars, Community of Teachers

Academe encourages professors to build ties connected to their research. But Judith Shapiro wants to know why the same attention isn't given to connections related to what goes on in the classroom.