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The class of 1915 thinks:

  • What Russo-Japanese War?
  • Model T Fords have always been available to the public.
  • Mr. Dooley has always been holding forth in The Chicago Post.
  • Car windows have always been made of isinglass.
  • William Jennings Bryan has always been fat.
  • They may think the Haymarket Riot is some kind of rural misunderstanding.
  • They have grown up with Coca-Cola.
  • The Babcock Carriage Company has always been working on an electric car.
  • What Boer War?
  • King Kelly has never played baseball.
  • Ragtime music has always been mainstream.
  • Religious leaders have always been telling politicians what to do, or else!
  • "Off the hook" has never had anything to do with a fish.
  • Player pianos have always been available.
  • Russia has always had a burgeoning Communist party.
  • Women have always been secretaries.
  • They were born the year Grover Cleveland became President for a second time.
  • Classmates could include Dorothy Sayers, Jimmy Durante, and Fay Bainter.
  • Half of them may have been members of the Frank Merriwell All-Youth-Sports Club.
  • The Toledo, St. Louis and Kansas City Railroad has never run in their lifetime.
  • No one has ever been able to sit down comfortably to a meal of meat packed by Lithuanian immigrants in Chicago.
  • Sears, Roebuck has always been a larger retailer than A.T. Stewart and has always employed more workers than the beef-tallow-candle industry.

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