In 1998, a group of provosts of … cognitive, and technological issues related to reading online. … editorial rigor for online academic publication, so that …
… and one of her students is in jail after an incident Thursday … that advises colleges on legal issues and risk management, has … devastated by a grade or some academic setback present a true …
… high schools and other changes in secondary education might undermine its academic eligibility rules, … and director of undergraduate advising, Augusta State University …
… by holding its second meeting in Nashville late last week and by … charge of one-sidedness than the academic community would like to … meeting, in which it focused on issues of accessibility and quality …
… announced the cuts it is making in the face of $200 million in … from 16 teams down to 8. Five academic programs -- four in
… tend to pummel both parties in a case with questions, to test … short shrift to the central issues in the case. But it was hard … known as Rumsfeld v. Forum for Academic and Institutional Rights ( …
… students, and those without good academic preparation -- are working … University of Texas at Austin. In an analysis of the 133,281 … colleges to think about these issues and see what can be done to …
… Dissent is a way of life in the blogosphere; comments and … at Info Theory, which lists his academic advisers, the Purdue … blog, including about academic issues.  “The secondary reason is …
… brewing for the United States in the declining state of its … group in Washington that advises policy makers on … recently by a host of business, academic and other organizations, …
… Drezner on September 10, 2002, in introducing his blog, which … Several noted that another academic blogger had come up for … The Volokh Conspiracy, a legal issues blog, writes under the …