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Skepticism About Tenure, MOOCs and the Presidency: A Survey of Provosts

Today's provosts are a skeptical lot. That may come with the territory, as they must constantly prioritize some ideas (and...

Debt, Jobs, Diversity and Who Gets In: A Survey of Admissions Directors

At a time of increasing national concern about debt levels of college students, a plurality of college admissions directors in...

Retirement, Unions and Status: A Survey of Campus HR Officers

Fewer than 10 percent of college human resources administrators are greatly concerned that too many campus officials are retiring and...

Digital Faculty: Professors and Technology, 2012

Professors occasionally get lampooned as luddites responsible for the famously slow pace of change in higher education. But in truth...

Short-Term Focus, Long-Term Problems: A Survey of Business Officers

While college and university business officers are still surprisingly upbeat about their institutions’ financial health and the viability of their...

Conflicted: Faculty and Online Education, 2012

Faculty members are far less excited by, and more fearful of, the recent growth of online education than are academic...

Concerns About Sports, Backing for Obama: a Survey of Presidents

About 7 in 10 college and university presidents believe that the past year's sports scandals have damaged all of higher...