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Jordan Klepper, a former correspondent for The Daily Show on Comedy Central, was among nine people arrested Tuesday during a Georgia Board of Regents meeting for protesting unequal opportunities for undocumented immigrant students, according to a Deadline report.
Police handcuffed the protesters after they entered the Georgia State Capitol building chanting, "Education, not segregation!" and refused to leave when asked.
About 11 people were arrested in support of undocumented students after disrupting and refusing to leave a Board of Regents meeting.
— Kevin Sanchez (@kevinxsanchez) February 12, 2019
After getting released, Klepper posted a message on Instagram blasting the Georgia higher education system for "denying college admission and tuition benefits to undocumented students." Protesting alongside Klepper were community faith leaders and professors at Freedom University, which provides free courses for undocumented students barred from attending the state's public institutions.
"These are students who pay taxes, grew up here and want to learn and give back to their community," Klepper wrote. "We need more thoughtful, curious, educated young adults dedicated to making this place better."
Comedian @jordanklepper, professors from @FU_Georgia, and four ministers were arrested at the Georgia Board of Regents protesting Policy 4.1.6 and 4.3.4, which ban undocumented students from equal access to public higher education in Georgia!
— Freedom University (@FU_Georgia) February 13, 2019
Klepper and his crew were in the process of shooting an upcoming documentary series, currently untitled with hourlong episodes due later this year, that will feature the comedian "traveling the country and speaking to people," per Deadline.