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Professors in Cleveland State University's College of Law believe the college dean likened some faculty members with union ties to the devil when awarding them $666 merit raises. The Cleveland State University chapter of the American Association of University Professors filed an unfair labor practice charge with Ohio’s State Employment Relations Board in August against the dean, Craig Boise.

AAUP organizers received raises of $0 or $666 despite “exemplary scholarship and teaching scores,” according to the charge. Of the eight union organizers listed in the charge, two did not receive raises and the remaining six received $666 raises. Other faculty members in the College of Law received $3,000 or $5,000 merit raises, according to the charge.

The charge says Boise’s actions are “a poorly veiled threat in opposition to AAUP’s organizing and concerted activities.” Boise and representatives from Cleveland State University did not respond to requests for comment.