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New Student Assignment: Helping the CIA Recruit

The Central Intelligence Agency has long recruited new college graduates as employees -- and those efforts have sometimes been controversial...

Court Upholds Dismissal of Delaware State Professor

A federal appeals court on Friday upheld Delaware State University's firing of a professor, Wendell Gorum, after he was found...

MIT Police Charged With Dumping Student Newspaper

Two police officers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have been suspended and are having their employment reviewed following allegations...

Troubling (and Politicized?) Data on Student Loan Defaults

The most important fact about the preliminary data the U.S. Education Department released Thursday about student loan default rates is...

Split Results in Texas on Evolution

Opponents of teaching evolution failed Thursday to require Texas schools to teach the "weaknesses" of evolutionary theory, but they succeeded...

TIAA-CREF Toughens Sudan Stance -- Without Divestment Yet

TIAA-CREF on Thursday announced a tougher position on several companies that have been accused of supporting the authorities who encourage...

At Madison, a Plan to Charge More and Deliver More

The University of Wisconsin at Madison is proposing a surcharge on all students from family incomes of at least $80,000...

Settlement in Dispute on Academic Freedom and Assisted Suicide

Russel Ogden will be able to resume his research on assisted suicide, according to a settlement announced by the Canadian...