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Career advice, LGBTQ+ in the academy and public speaking tips

Hear from Ray Crossman, an out university president living with HIV in the US, about his career path, and Brian Bloch, a presentation and communication expert, on how to improve your public-speaking skills

Boys’ and Men’s Struggles in School Reveal Systemic Inequity

The mental health of males demands closer focus. In today’s Academic Minute, Ioakim Boutakidis of California State University, Fullerton, explores...

How Can Genocide Be Prevented?

Genocides don’t begin overnight, so how can we stop them before they get started? In today’s Academic Minute, Binghamton University’s...

Politics and Parental COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy

Politics can drive vaccine hesitancy, even for nurses and children. In today’s Academic Minute, South Dakota State University’s Filip Viskupič...

Media References in Everyday Conversation

Media references can be a great way to break the ice in a conversation. In today’s Academic Minute, Syracuse University’s...

Restoring the Body’s Natural Tumor Suppressing Activity

Your body may have its own way to fight tumors; we just need to trigger it. In today's Academic Minute...

Protests in China

Protests have dominated the news lately. In today’s Academic Minute, Teresa Wright of California State University, Long Beach, looks at...

Alabama and Lethal Injection Issues

Capital punishment is far from foolproof. In today’s Academic Minute, Amherst College’s Austin Sarat explains the stakes for states. Sarat...