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Weekly Wisdom | College of the Holy Cross President Vincent Rougeau

Join us for a lively discussion with College of the Holy Cross President Vincent Rougeau

Without Water, Native American Tribes Hit Hard by the Pandemic

Lack of access to water can bring dire consequences. In today’s Academic Minute, part of University of Southern California Week, Robin Craig explores how this affects fighting COVID-19.

Crisis on the Nile

The Nile River is an important waterway facing an uncertain future. In today’s Academic Minute, part of University of Southern California Week, Essam Heggy explores the issues facing the river and its communities.

Where Are Species Moving in Our Warmer World?

In a warmer world, half of all species are on the move. In today’s Academic Minute, part of University of Southern California Week, Bistra Dilkina looks at where they’re going.

Making Medicine From Garbage in the Ocean

What to do with the plastic in the ocean is a big question for our future. In today’s Academic Minute...

Concrete Built Half Our World, but May Be Harming It

Concrete has been an important part of our world, but at what cost? In today’s Academic Minute, part of University of Southern California Week, Thomas Petersen digs in to find out.

Weekly Wisdom | Paul Quinn College President Michael Sorrell

Join us for a lively discussion with Paul Quinn College President Michael Sorrell

Weekly Wisdom | Fordham University President Tania Tetlow

Join us for a lively discussion with Fordham University President Tania Tetlow