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Exercise and Cognitive Health

In today’s Academic Minute, Union College's Cay Anderson-Hanley examines the benefits of adding a cognitive element to your exercise routine...

Hurricane Katrina and Dolphin Populations

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Southern Mississippi's Stan Kuczaj examines the relationship between Hurricane Katrina and the dolphin...

Political Polarization

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Colorado at Boulder's Leaf Van Boven explores the gap between the perception of...

Satellite Archaeology

In today’s Academic Minute, Harvard University's Jason Ur explores how archaeologists are using declassified satellite images to locate previously unknown...

Psychology of Overcoming Poverty

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of North Florida's Tes Tuason examines the psychology of economic mobility. Tuason is associate...

Molecular Gastronomy

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Connecticut's Nicholas Leadbeater examines the cutting-edge chemistry of the modern fine dining experience...

MOOCs and Machines

Candace Thille, director of the Open Learning Initiative and a leading advocate of intelligent teaching software, talks to Inside Higher...

Evolutionary Persistence of Depression

In today’s Academic Minute, Emory University's Andrew Miller examines why natural selection has not eliminated genetically predisposed depression. Miller is...