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The Brain Is Maintained by Chance the Gardener

What is the best way to wire a brain? In today’s Academic Minute, Weber State University’s Jim Hutchins delves into the synapses to find out

Nostalgia After Apartheid in South Africa

Nostalgia may not be telling us the truth of the past. In today’s Academic Minute, Spelman College’s Amber R. Reed examines why this is.

Why Cooling Coca-Cola Warms Our Planet

Have you enjoyed a cold Coca-Cola yet this summer? In today’s Academic Minute, Ohio State University’s Bart Elmore explores the environmental toll of doing so.

Why Should We Ask More Questions?

How you ask a sensitive question can be just as important as why. In today’s Academic Minute, George Mason University’s Einav Hart explains why.

The Stock Market’s Impact on Tips

How much does the stock market affect tipping in a cab ride? In today’s Academic Minute, Binghamton University’s Cihan Uzmanoglu examines this relationship.

Reimagining Aging in Place

A large portion of the American population will soon be 65 or older; how do we best care for this group? In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Toronto’s Rachel Savage explores one way.

The Paris Commune: The Long Shadow of France’s ‘Other’ Revolution

We can look to the past for visions of how to shape our future. In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee’s Carolyn Eichner determines how the Paris Commune can help us gain a more equitable future.

Jonathan Koppell | President at Montclair State University

In this interview, Montclair State University president Jonathan Koppell talks about accessibility for minoritized groups, the power of creative communication and why he thinks universities need to own their part in the public’s diminishing trust in higher education