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Program 13: More Autonomy for Sports Powerhouses / A Crackdown on Bandwidth (August 8, 2014)

On the August 8 edition of our weekly audio program, Donna Lopiano of Sports Management Resources and Inside Higher Ed's...

Lyme Disease and an Unlikely Relationship

In today's Academic Minute, Sarah Lawrence College's Michelle Hersh discusses the unlikely relationship between ticks and white-footed mice -- though...

The Language of Reviews

Reading online reviews of a restaurant before heading out for a meal is commonplace in today’s digital world. In today's...

Solar Efficiency

Harnessing the full potential of solar power might indeed solve the world’s ongoing energy crisis -- but this is much...

Cellular Protein Production

Our understanding of how cells function is growing every day. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Texas Southwestern Medical...

Martian Minerals and Microbes

In today's Academic Minute, Australian National University's Robert Burne discusses his study of stevensite, a mineral found on both Mars...

Program 12: A Crackdown on Hazing / The 31 Million NonDegreed (August 1, 2014)

On our August 1 program, the University of Maine's Elizabeth Allen and Kevin Kruger of NASPA: Student Affairs Administrators in...

Fractal Psychological Processes

Fractals are naturally occurring patterns that replicate in a self-similar manner. In today's Academic Minute, Chapman University's David Pincus explains...