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Stoics and the Fear of Death

The fear of death is one of the most gripping and palpable sensation humans feel. Stoic philosophers like Epictetus, however...

GPA and Gym Membership

How deep does the mind/body connection go? In today's Academic Minute, Michigan State University's James Pivarnik profiles a specific correlation...

Technology Nomenclature

Every commercial for new electronics is packed with flashy tech terminology meant to entice you into thinking you need this...

A Corrosion of Trust

As a population, it seems we’re growing less and less trusting. In today's Academic Minute, San Diego State University's Jean...


Certain afflictions are embarrassing to discuss. Because of this, they remain untreated and can often worsen. In today's Academic Minute...

Program 28: The Dilemma of Fraternity Culture / The White House Summit (Dec. 5, 2014)

On our Dec. 5 program, the University of Northern Colorado's Nicholas Syrett joined Inside Higher Ed's Scott Jaschik and the...

Teens and Screens

Smart phones are everywhere these days. In today's Academic Minute, Gary Small of the University of California at Los Angeles...

Framing Love

Flowery depictions of transcendent love have inspired some of our finest art. But is our conceptual idealization of love and...