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Psychology of Recycling

Why do we recycle? In today's Academic Minute, the University of Scranton's Jessica Nolan explores the psychology of recycling. Nolan...

Cold and the Common Cold

Does temperature affect the spread of the common cold? In today's Academic Minute, Yale University's Ellen Foxman explores how the...

Program 42: 'Campus Carry' Laws Spread / Subsidizing College Sports

On our April 3 program, Lone Star College President Shah Ardalan and Firmin DeBrabander of Maryland Institute College of Art...

Church/State Issues

Discussions about the separation of church and state present a series of complicated issues. In today's Academic Minute, Seton Hall...

The Pulse: Learning to Code

In the latest edition of The Pulse podcast, the host Rodney B. Murray explains why he thinks "everyone should learn...

Digital Transgender Archives

The spectrum of human sexuality is shifting. In today's Academic Minute, K.J. Rawson of the College of The Holy Cross...

The Aging Family

Humans are living much longer lives and as this trend continues, it presents interesting shifts in the family structure. In...

Mating Psychology

What’s the first thing you noticed about the opposite sex? As it turns out, that might depend on what you’re...