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Droughts have been in the news a great deal of late. In today's Academic Minute, Columbia University's A. Park Williams...

Blueberry Benefits

Blueberries are delicious, but aside from their palatable flavor, eating them comes with some great health benefits. In today's Academic...

Climate Change in 2015

Discussions of climate change are everywhere. In today's Academic Minute, Michael Rawlins of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst explores...

False Historical Narratives

Is the history we’re presented actually accurate? In today's Academic Minute, American Military University's Jon Mikolashek critiques false historical narratives...

A Personal College Experience

How personal was your college experience? In today's Academic Minute, Hamilton College's Daniel F. Chambliss discusses the nature of college...

9/11 and Free Speech

The events of 9/11/2001 have had profound effects on our society. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Queensland's Katharine...

Herpes Vaccine

The herpes simplex virus is incredibly common and also incurable. In today's Academic Minute, Albert Einstein College of Medicine's Betsy...

Protecting Water Resources

Water is among our most precious resources. In today's Academic Minute, West Virginia University's Michael P. Strager discusses his efforts...