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As the gross national product rises, the rate of happiness in the U.S. is declining. In today's Academic Minute, Dickinson...

Religion-Based Attitudes on LGBTQ Rights

We’re still trying to fully understand prejudice in our society. In today's Academic Minute, Albright College's Elizabeth Kiester looks into...

Ancestry DNA Tests

DNA tests are becoming more popular in our culture. In today's Academic Minute, West Chester University's Bessie Lawton explores why...

The Teeth of Herculaneum

We’re still learning about the cities buried by Mount Vesuvius centuries ago. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Indianapolis's...

Reimagining Entrepreneurship

Many entrepreneurs want to make the most money. In today's Academic Minute, SUNY Polytechnic Institute's Robert Edgell examines how to...

Declining International Adoptions

Fewer and fewer children are being adopted from overseas. In today's Academic Minute, Grinnell College's Mark Montgomery determines the reasons...

The Art and Science of Casting

There’s an art and a science to casting your favorite movie roles. In today's Academic Minute, Stony Brook University's Amy...

The Pulse: The Future of Education

This month's episode of the Pulse podcast features a panel discussion held at March's USciences eLearning 3.0 Conference. The panel...