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The Colorful Lives of the Phoenicians

Excavation is telling us new stories about an old civilization. In today's Academic Minute, part of University of Missouri week...

Mental Health Support for Students

We need a better way to determine which students need mental health screenings. Today on the Academic Minute, part of...

More Activity During Recess

Kids love recess. Today on the Academic Minute, part of University of Missouri Week, Steve Ball describes how to ensure...

Women's Participation in Football Leagues

We’ve always heard that football is a masculine sport. In today's Academic Minute, Ohio Northern University's Russ Crawford says women...

Slavery and the British Empire

Slavery was profitable for many enslavers. In today's Academic Minute, SUNY New Paltz's Lou Roper delves into how the British...

Canine Life Spans and Size

Small dogs outlive bigger dogs; why? In today's Academic Minute, Colgate University's Ana Jimenez explores this question. Jimenez is an...

Childcare Costs in the U.S.

Childcare in the U.S. can cost more than college tuition. In today's Academic Minute, American University's Taryn Morrissey explores how...

Entrepreneurs and Mindfulness

Entrepreneurs should look to mindfulness to help deal with the stressors of their start-ups. In today's Academic Minute, the University...