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After-School Academics in an Era of Remote Learning

After-school education is taking hold during online learning at schools. In today's Academic Minute, Amherst College's Pawan Dhingra wonders if...

Quantum Computers in Every Home?

In the future we may all have quantum computers in our homes. In today's Academic Minute, SUNY Polytechnic Institute's Ji...

Using Fossil Plants to Measure Climate Change

What can fossils teach us about the future of climate change? In today's Academic Minute, the University of Louisiana at...

Ethical AI

Should artificial intelligence be used in weapons? In today's Academic Minute, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute's Selmer Bringsjord explores this question. Bringsjord...

Making the case for better faculty training

How should the role of academics evolve to ensure students receive the high quality teaching they deserve?

Health Risks of Skin Lightening

Chemical products to lighten skin can have negative effects. In today's Academic Minute, Florida International University's Rokeshia Renné Ashley explores...

Science and Communication

There are many challenges in breaking down science for consumption. In today's Academic Minute, Laura Guertin of Pennsylvania State University...

Conspiracy Theories

Conspiracy theories continue to run rampant in today’s public sphere. In today's Academic Minute, SUNY Oneonta's Brian M. Lowe looks...