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Depression and Education Level

In today’s Academic Minute, McGill University's Amélie Quesnel-Vallée discusses the multigenerational advantages of a college degree. Quesnel-Vallée is an associate...

School Budgets and Childhood Obesity

In today’s Academic Minute, Dartmouth College's Patricia Anderson discusses how efforts to improve academic performance have contributed to the obesity...

Rules of Planetary Placement

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Arizona's Ilaria Pascucci examines the rules that govern the messy process of solar...

Understanding Volcanic Plumbing

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Rochester's Cynthia Ebinger explores the connection between earthquakes, volcanism, and the changing thickness...

Success of Early Mammals

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Washington's Greg Wilson describes how a slight change in tooth shape allowed early...

The Olympics and International Relations

In today’s Academic Minute, the U.S. Naval War College's Nicholas Sarantakes explores how tense international relations have regularly spilled over...

Economic Impact of Sports Arenas

In today’s Academic Minute, Seton Hall University's Kurt Rotthoff examines claims about the economic benefit of investing in large sports...

Origin of Religious Dietary Restrictions

In today’s Academic Minute, Colby College's David Freidenreich examines the historical meaning of dietary restrictions within the world's major monotheistic...