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Making Medicine From Garbage in the Ocean

What to do with the plastic in the ocean is a big question for our future. In today’s Academic Minute...

Concrete Built Half Our World, but May Be Harming It

Concrete has been an important part of our world, but at what cost? In today’s Academic Minute, part of University of Southern California Week, Thomas Petersen digs in to find out.

Employment’s Impact on Treating DWI Offenders

How do we stop drivers from repeatedly driving drunk? In today’s Academic Minute, SUNY Empire State College’s Cailyn Green discusses one way to cut down on recidivism.

Why Being a Patient Is Such a Difficult Pill to Swallow

Being a patient can be difficult for many reasons. In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Manitoba’s Harvey Max Chochinov details how to make it easier.

The End of American Academic Leadership

Just because you’re the best now, that doesn’t mean you always will be. In today’s Academic Minute, Harvard University’s William C. Kirby details how American academic leadership may be threatened.

Working in Our Place for Visionary Sustainability

Thinking locally can lead to a more sustainable future. In today’s Academic Minute, the University of South Dakota’s Meghann Jarchow explains how.

Mental Flexibility Key for People With Chronic Pain

Are you in pain? In today’s Academic Minute, Edith Cowan University’s Joanne M. Dickson explores how mental flexibility can help.

Loneliness as a Health Issue: Academic Minute

Loneliness is a growing health problem, but how do medical professionals treat it? In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Toronto’s Kate Mulligan has some suggestions.