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Niccolo Machiavelli

This week we’ll be featuring five winners of the 2012 Academic Minute Senior Superlatives. Seton Hall University's William Connell captured...

Online Peer Pressure

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Michigan's Sarah Stoddard explains peer pressure’s long reach into the virtual world of...

Grandmothering and the Human Lifespan

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Utah's Kristen Hawkes describes how the grandmothering impulse has contributed to the length...

Female Missionary Physicians

In today’s Academic Minute, the State University of New York at Plattsburgh's Connie Shemo explores the connection between the women’s...

Predation Risk and Digestion

In today’s Academic Minute, Purdue University's Ian Kaplan explains the complex ecological and biological relationship between predators and their prey...

Ocean Oxygen

In today’s Academic Minute, Timothy Lyons of the University of California at Riverside examines the complex history of the Earth’s...

The Kepler Supernova

In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Pittsburgh's Carlos Badenes explores the origin of one of the scientific revolution’s most...

How We Remember

In today’s Academic Minute, Northern Arizona University's Michelle Miller examines why some types of information are more easily remembered than...