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In the world of science fiction, humans and robots converse freely. In today’s Academic Minute, Plymouth University's Robin Read discusses...

Improved Salmonella Detection

Salmonella outbreaks can be devastating. To reduce this danger, Purdue University's Arun Bhunia discusses new techniques and technology that will...

'Sexy' Fruit Flies

Apparently, you can sterilize flies too well. In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Florida’s Daniel Hahn discusses a new...

Proconsul Fossils

Of all fossils, the proconsul is amongst the earliest ever discovered. In today's Academic Minute, Baylor University's Dan Peppe discusses...

Recipe for Invasive Plant Species

Species interaction dictates a great deal of a location's biodiversity. In today’s Academic Minute, the University of Pittsburgh's Susan Kalisz...

How Culture Shapes Understanding

In today's Academic Minute, the University of East Anglia's Georgia Panagiotaki discusses the many factors that influence how a child...

E-Cigs and Real Cigs

E-cigarettes are rapidly gaining popularity. In today’s Academic Minute, the University of California at San Francisco's Lauren Dutra discusses the...

Traumatic Brain Injuries

Direct trauma clearly has negative effects on the brain. In today’s Academic Minute, Duke University's Raj Morey explores the potential...