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Climate and Building Mountains

What can erosion tell us about climate change? In today's Academic Minute, the University of Texas at Austin's Sean Gulick...

How Poverty Reduces Self-Control

What do self-control and poverty have to do with each other? In today's Academic Minute, the University of Oregon's Elliot...

Sensitivity to Annoying Behavior

Does your sex help determine how annoying you find your co-workers? In today's Academic Minute, Michigan State University's Chris Hopwood...

Predicting Future Box Office Success

Show me the money. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Iowa's Kang Zhao, details how his research team came...

PTSD Treatment

Having PTSD may hinder your ability to imagine a positive future for yourself. In today's Academic Minute, Sarah Lawrence College's...

Filming Police

The filming of police has dominated the news recently. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Florida's Clay Calvert examines...

Diversifying Your Microbiome

Every day you’re becoming more and more like the people around you. In today's Academic Minute, the University of Chicago's...

LGBT Migrants

Life for migrants is not easy, and it can be even harder on the LGBT community. In today's Academic Minute...