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For-Profits and Satellite Radio

For a few years in the mid-2000’s, I was a fan of satellite radio. I had a longish commute, and...

Emotional Gate-Keeping

This week is admitted student weekend across many campuses and I’ve been thinking about the relationship between Admissions and the...

Arts Priority

Recently at a program presented by the Long Island Arts Alliance, New York State Education Commissioner David Steiner made an...

Short e-Books: 'Great Stagnation' and 'Lifted'

Tyler Cowen's The Great Stagnation: How America Ate All The Low-Hanging Fruit of Modern History,Got Sick, and Will (Eventually) Feel...

Social web info overload: Summify may provide balance

According to Twitter, I have 3,200 favorites, my Google Reader account lists 1,000+ unread items and I have more than...

Rites of Passagio

In singing, we differentiate between the "head voice" and the "chest voice." The chest voice is, for most of us...

Guest Book Review: 'On Pain of Speech'

On Pain of Speech: Fantasies of the First Order and the Literary Rant , by Dina Al-Kassim. University of California...

Missed Opportunity

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights should have pursued its inquiry into alleged bias against female applicants to college, writes Richard Whitmire.