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Reference books are the lowest form of scholarship. That makes reading them a guilty pleasure, Scott McLemee confesses.

Goodbye Collegiality, Hello Spineless Bullying

Sasha Waters offers a pointed reply to her colleague Stephen Bloom's essay last week on journalism and academe.

The Death of English

Judith Halberstam calls for a radical shift in the way her colleagues think about their discipline and its future.


College slogans range from silly to absurd, writes Mark J. Drozdowski.

Isn't It Ironic?

Right after 9/11, the obituaries started to appear: Irony, the reports said, was dead. Either that or in really bad...

Hello Sy Hershman, Goodbye Bob Woodward

Stephen G. Bloom decries the higher education version of the Academy of the Overrated.

Accountability, Improvement and Money

If legislators and the public really want colleges to perform, they've got to put dollars at stake, says John V. Lombardi.

Job Application

Every college needs a scapegoat, writes Michael Bracken, and he'd be great at it.