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Earning Your Trophies (or Not)

The culture of youth soccer is hurting higher education, writes James Ricky Cox.

Portrait of the Scholar as a Young Novelist

Jenny White finds that a not-yet-published piece of fiction threatens to overwhelm two decades of scholarship.

Professional Correctness

Scott McLemee interviews a sociologist about "identity dissonance" in professional schools.

Education in Two Cultures

A team-taught course leaves Linda Brigham considering the inadequate interactions between the humanities and the sciences.

Reading, Writing and Representing

The graduate students and young professors who teach writing have a unique role to play in fighting attacks on academe in general and English in particular, write Frank Gaughan and Peter Khost.

Wanting and Not Wanting to Hit Each Other

Terry Caesar explores the ever looming threat of violence -- physical, emotional or legal -- on campus today.

Our Recent Recruitment Efforts

One university seeks to turn a big gift into an admissions advantage. The latest from David Galef's fevered imagination.

Dysfunction Junction, What's Your Function?

About 10 minutes into last week's now legendary episode of Oprah (the show that made it to the front page...