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Every Fury on Earth

John Summers' work has shed light on C. Wright Mills and other anarchists. In an interview, Scott McLemee shines a light on Summers himself ...

Incentivizing Failure: AIG and the Academy

Academics who tsk-tsk at the perverse rewards that spurred the financial crisis, Christoph Knoess says, shouldn't act smug; the faculty rewards structure itself is flawed and destructive.

Admissions of Another Sort

Mary W. George reviews the confessions college students make to librarians -- and their implications for educators.

How to Rebuild America

Cultivating underserved students is the key to American prosperity, writes Donald Saleh.

The New Endowment Portfolio

Now is the perfect time to consider investment strategies that better reflect the purpose of higher education, writes Jim Wolfston.

Print or Byte?

Won't digital publishing destroy the old-fashioned book? Scott McLemee reads up on "the hidden revolution"....

History We Can't Afford to Repeat

For the 11th time since World War II, boom has turned to bust in our economy. Recession brings change in...

'What Just Ain't So'

Mark Twain once observed that “It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know...