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Reform Starts With Good Data

A dearth of accurate data makes it impossible for students, families and policy makers to answer basic questions about higher education, write U.S. Sens. Ron Wyden and Marco Rubio. A student-level system would help provide answers.

Forgive Us Our Debts

It's a casino economy -- where the dealer always wins. Scott McLemee reports on a book about profit, loss, and education as a risky bet.

Going Local

MOOCs need geographic relevance (which may not be massive) to truly succeed in diverse, developing nations, writes Charles C. Reith.

Tackle the Real Problem

Community college student success is more important than concern about "undermatching," writes Tom Bailey. And making a dent in that problem requires comprehensive reforms.

The Magic Word

To reach the general public, academics should stop their fear of using "I" in their writing, suggests David Jarmul.

Thoughts on Poetry in Winter

Walt Whitman and Emily Dickinson are penetrating pop culture, and it's not even Poetry Month. Carolyn Foster Segal explains why she finds hope in that happenstance.

Moving Past Digital Hate

Phyllis M. Wise, whose decision not to cancel classes led to a racist, sexist uproar on Twitter, writes that the incident illustrates why diversity efforts are important.

Seeking Answers on 'Competency'

Competency-based education holds much promise, but many questions remain -- which is why we need a federal program to experiment with it, Paul LeBlanc writes.