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A drawing of an obviously stressed-out and overwhelmed female college student lying down, one hand on her head, and surrounded by notebooks and books.

The Liberal Arts’ Role in Mental Health

Discouraging students from studying fields they’re drawn to isn’t helping their mental health, Rosario Ceballo writes.

An image of a computer screen bearing the words "Direct Admissions" with a ladder and a graduation cap perched atop the screen

Direct Admissions: Too Late and Too Little

To boost college enrollment, interventions should be happening much earlier, Donald Hossler writes.

The book jacket for Dipesh Chakrabarty's "One Planet, Many Worlds: The Climate Parallax."

‘One Planet, Many Worlds’

Scott McLemee reviews Dipesh Chakrabarty’s One Planet, Many Worlds.

A pro-Israeli protester holds an Israeli flag unfurled. In front of her, hands can be seen holding pro-Palestinian signs, including one that reads “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

From the Ivies to UC, Campus Speech Should Be Free

Colleges are hypocritical in their handling of offensive speech, but the answer isn’t to expand the range of punishable utterances, Alex Small writes.

A photo of a student rally at nighttime, with multiple Palestinian flags flying.

The Endangered Right to Assemble on Campus

Suppressing pro-Palestinian protests does a disservice to the future of American politics, Tabatha Abu El-Haj writes.

Faded paintings of the Israeli and Palestinian flags on a brick wall, marked by blood splatters.

The Abuse of Scholar Activism

Ideologically driven scholar activism contributes to campus antisemitism, Rebecca Cypess writes.

A close-up of a laptop and a person’s hands – one hand rests on the laptop as if typing while the other seems to hold drawings of a chat bot icon and chat bubbles.

Why You Shouldn’t Use ChatGPT

AI promises efficiency gains, but they come at the cost of alienation, Benjamin Mitchell-Yellin writes.

A drawing of a faceless figure atop a ladder adding the top block to a vertical stack of alphabetical blocks that spell out "LUCK."

Welcome to the Admissions ‘Luckocracy’

The degree to which the college admission process is a meritocracy may be in question—but it’s most certainly a luckocracy, Jim Jump writes.