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Interviews at Teaching Colleges

It's time to set your research aside and to think about the undergraduate classroom, writes John Fea.

English Faculty Jobs Abroad

English teaching jobs may be hard to come by in the U.S., but many can be found elsewhere -- and Anna Faktorovich offers advice on how to get them.

Interviewing at Church-Related Colleges

John Fea offers advice for those seeking positions at different kinds of religious institutions.

Questions They Might Ask You

Katherine Ellison and Cheryl Ball share questions you can expect to hear at an MLA interview.

Learning from Others’ CVs

You can learn a lot about paths for different kinds of academic careers, writes Eszter Hargittai.

MLA Interview: The Big Picture

Cheryl Ball and Katherine Ellison walk you through what to expect in the hotel room meeting with a search committee.

Walking Away From Acceptance

When Eliza Woolf gave up on finding a good academic job, she landed one.

Don’t Smile Until December?

As the semester concludes, your battery may be running low. Reflect on the potential energy of humor to help you recharge, Maria Shine Stewart suggests.