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Creating a Campus Mentoring Program

Kerry Ann Rockquemore suggests six questions to ask yourself in order to create a lean and workable program.

Writing After War

A veteran struggling to resume civilian life in a classroom filled mostly with last spring's high school graduates can teach us all a lot, writes Alice Montclair.

Tailgating as Networking

Katharyn L. Stober describes how and why you should use tailgating and football lingo in your job search.

A Queer Confession

A.W. Strouse tells a cautionary tale about how academe turned him into a gay conservative.

Ain't No Stopping (Me) Now

Shawn Anthony Robinson, a black man with dyslexia, describes through poetry his successful journey through academe.

Why You? Why Us? Why Now?

Elaine P. Maimon explains why effectively interviewing for a job is often like speed dating.

How to Be Off the Tenure Track and Love It

Gina Brandolino explores four common misconceptions about non-tenure-track jobs.

Framing Classroom Incivility

Understanding what constitutes classroom incivility can help faculty members minimize its dangers while maximizing the teaching and learning opportunities it presents, advises Courtney N. Wright.