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Addressing Racist Microaggressions

Many colleges and universities pride themselves on their commitment to diversity, yet that commitment often seems to be superficial, writes Macy Wilson.

How to Fail on the Academic Job Market

As you look for a job, you should be just as mindful about how you aren’t finding one as about every other aspect of your search, argues Heather Steffen, who offers advice on how to do that.

The Relay Race of Leadership

Roger Martin advises new presidents that, while strong leaders surely make a difference, a college’s success can’t be attributed to any one person.

Teaching Gender Studies to Straight Men

Most gender and women’s studies programs preach to the converted and lack courses that would appeal to men -- or, for that matter, women who don’t have particular political leanings, argues Hallie Lieberman.

Is Silence Golden?

When’s the best time for a college or university leader to take a public stand? Barbara McFadden Allen, Ruth Watkins and Robin Kaler explore a hypothetical scenario.

Ph.D.s (and Advisers) Shouldn’t Overlook Community Colleges

What lessons can be learned at the intersection of the community college and doctoral education in the humanities? Rachel Arteaga provides some answers.

Taking an Unexpected Turn

Adriana Bankston offers reflections and advice to Ph.D.s about successfully leaving academe and pursuing other careers.

Creating Strong Scholarly Relationships

J. Sumerau describes a smart approach to establish productive collaborations.