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Ad Interim: Practice

Stepping up to serve as an acting director, chair or dean? Elizabeth H. Simmons offers perspective on how to approach the tasks that lie ahead.

I Got Tenure: Now What?

Kerry Ann Rockquemore introduces a new series of articles on how to transition successfully and enjoyably into a new status on your campus.

The Plight of the Independent Scholar

Rebecca Bodenheimer describes the trials and frustrations of attending academic conferences when you’re unaffiliated.

On Gratitude and Leadership

Adriana Bankston offers the following advice for being a good team leader both in academe and outside it.

A Letter To My “Academic Mama”

Irene Sanchez pays tribute to the person who saw something in her on the days that she couldn’t see it in herself anymore.

What Do the Best Mentors Do?

Joya Misra and Jennifer Lundquist asked faculty members from different disciplines whom colleagues and students had identified as excellent mentors to share their lessons with others in academe.

White Men Must Learn to Say Yes

Rather than encourage women and people of color to do less service work, we should be encouraging white men to step forward and do more, argues Shannon Portillo.

Managing the Student From Heck

Maria Shine Stewart provides some advice for dealing with particularly difficult students in the classroom.