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How Healthy Is Your Academic Department?

Nicholas C. Burbules, C. K. Gunsalus, Robert A. Easter and BrandE Faupell have created a tool to help you diagnose problems in your academic unit and identify ways to improve it.

Creating an Inclusive Classroom

Strategies for making learning more accessible for students with disabilities often make the classroom experience better for all students, writes Sara Schley.

Making the Most Out of Conferences

Conferences have the potential to be great for your career, writes Derek Attig, but only if you approach them with focus and intentionality.

Hitting the Wall

Expecting graduate students to engage in diversity work that benefits the university -- without compensation or accountability -- is inherently exploitative, argues Prabhdeep Kehal.

Flip the Script

Yvette M. Alex-Assensoh suggests some structural tactics for ending gender inequity in service work.

The Indispensable Associate Dean

Often overlooked, it's an academic job worth considering, writes Patricia Ann Mabrouk.

The Hybrid Track

Hybrid positions offer the chance to engage in higher education roles beyond the tenure track while keeping a hand in the classroom and scholarly work, writes Rebbecca Kaplan.

Are You Sabotaging Your Career Search?

Christine Kelly offers some questions you should ask to avoid sabotaging your career search.