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Dissertation Assistance During COVID-19

Writing is required to succeed in and eventually leave graduate school, writes Laura R. Micciche, yet Ph.D. students often don't receive enough support for this mostly invisible private work.

What's Holding You Back?

Ph.D. students should take advantage of “starter conversation” opportunities to interact with alumni and experienced professionals, Natalie Lundsteen advises.

Not All Mentors

Kate Perry and Tobias T. Gibson offer suggestions for successful male mentorships of women in academe.

Meeting the Moment

As graduate school deans, we should do more to prepare Ph.D. students for multiple career paths -- not only for their own sakes but also to help manage crises like COVID-19, writes Ambika Mathur.

Providing Postdocs the Support They Deserve

Principal investigators should not try to make postdocs simply mini versions of themselves but instead commit to advancing their chosen careers, Vipul Sharma writes.

Rethinking Effective Student Learning Experiences

Patrick T. Terenzini describes six characteristics that, based on decades of research, have been found to cultivate and promote student learning.

Pandemic Sabbaticals and Faculty Inequality

As colleges promise to diversify faculty, they must ensure that those of color have the same career opportunities that their white colleagues have always enjoyed, writes W. Carson Byrd.

More Than One Way to Meet Career Goals

Normal life obstacles and a global pandemic don't mean that progress on your career journey must stop. It may just take a different shape than you originally expected, Lauren Easterling writes.