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Any Questions?

Melissa Dennihy reviews what to ask and what not to ask a search committee during an interview.

Searching While Pregnant

Joseph Barber considers the questions about when a job candidate may want to reveal and what to say.

When They Watch You Eat

Melissa Dennihy writes about what to do when dining is part of the interview process.

Facing Career Doubts

Whether you are graduating with an undergraduate degree or a Ph.D., you need to consider the tough issues, writes Jake Livengood.

Inside Look

Chanon Adsanatham explains what a graduate student can learn from serving on a search committee for a faculty opening.

Interviewing With Administrators

If you've done well with the search committee, your next stop on a campus visit may be the dean's office. Melissa Dennihy prepares you.

Do You Have Mysterious Dragons in Your Research?

Joseph Barber wants you to bring excitement and story-telling to the way you talk about your research.