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It's Talent That Matters

Colleges need to identify and prepare future administrative leaders, instead of waiting passively for the cycle of resignations and appointments, write Steve Riccio and Patrick Sanaghan.

Building a Stellar Team

Patrick Sanaghan outlines the five characteristics that distinguish exceptional leaders from the so-so.

So, You Think You Want to Be an Administrator?

Monica F. Jacobe explains how to adjust your application when you're applying for administrative positions for the first time.

Managing a Maternity Leave

Wendy Robinson offers advice for college administrators who feel they can't stay away from their positions for long.

Getting to Yes

Jeff Harris and Richard Skinner offer strategies for a successful search process, from the standpoint of both institutions and candidates.

New Kinds of Leadership

Richard A. Greenwald considers the models offered by tech companies and gardening.

From Scientist to Administrator

Women are excelling in senior posts at universities, writes Sue V. Rosser, but researchers who leave the faculty ranks before becoming full professors may limit their careers.

Presidents and Mission

Susan Resneck Pierce considers how search committees figure out whether there is a match between candidates to lead an institution and its values.